Monday, April 13, 2009

Some Estrogen With Your Energy Drink?

Study finds Bisphenol A -- the hormone-mimicking chemical -- in "significant" concentrations in virtually all sodas and energy drinks tested. The highest levels were found in energy drinks.

It shouldn't come as a surprise, since it's been widely reported that Bisphenol A is commonly used in the linings of cans -- but the emphasis has always been on canned foods, and the results are especially startling, given that the average person, worldwide, consumes more than 22 gallons of soft drinks every year. (Yikes!)
Canada has done more to crack down on Bisphenol A than any other nation. It banned baby bottles with Bisphenol A in baby bottles, while the U.S. has dithered on regulating the chemical, which mimics estrogen. While the National Toxicology Program has raised concerns about Bisphenol A's potential to disrupt the normal development of fetuses and babies, and the Environmental Protection Agency has been criticized for failing to consider the cumulative effect of hormone-disrupting chemicals that Americans are routinely exposed to, the Food and Drug Administration has yet to regulate the use of Bisphenol A.

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